Al Wefaq developments

About Al Wefaq

25 years experience in the Real Estate market

Al Wefaq Real Estate Developments is one of Al-Shabrawy Group companies, It was established and founded by Abdo Al-Shabrawy.
The company started in the field of importing construction materials and then headed to contracting and 25 years ago during the Real Estate development booming in the Egyptian market, the company headed to the Real Estate development.
And After years of experience in the field of contracting, trading and importing construction materials in the field of real estate developments and in nearly 25 years, the company acquired a huge customer base, based first on confidence in places where the and mixed-use projects were implemented.
For 25 years of hard work to provide residential, administrative and commercial units to all Egyptians, Al Wefaq is proud to deliver 1400 residential, 175 administrative and commercial units, as well as the villas, chalets and hotel units in tourism projects.
The company also seeks to complete what it has started to participate in the urban renaissance that we now see including all Egypt.

Year in the real estate market
Housing units
Administrative and commercial unit

The brand name “Al Wefaq” refers to our relationship with our customers, during 25 years of real estate development, we have set our goal that our relationship with our customers is a relationship full of agreement and mutual trust based on transparency. Therefore our customers satisfaction was the main stone on which we built all our transactions, starting from using and importing the best construction materials to the supervision on constructions and after sales service.